Thursday, January 21, 2010

Erica's Wake-Up Call

The first couple of days have been great. I am working out every minute I am not in a lecture or writing to you all. Kathy Duran-Thal has been feeding me such decadent foods, that she swears are healthy for me. And I am really starting to focus on MY OWN health again.

But, it isn't easy.

Todd Whitthorne told me last week that the first 4-6 weeks of a new exercise and diet program are hardest to get through. Yesterday, Chad Krisher said that most people quit an exercise regimen after the third week.

The odds are stacked against me.

And, to be honest, all I wanted last night was a spoonful of Nutella. (Or a second helping of Kathy's dessert from Monday....) The last thing I was interested in was taking another lap around the walking path here at Cooper Aerobics Center.

What is even more daunting for me is that after my functional fitness test, I really learned how bad my health has become over the past three years.

(This is the part of the post I wish I could just shut my eyes and type through... But I think sharing it will help to hold me accountable.)

In June 2007, I moved to Dallas. I was 5'10", 135 lbs, and had a BMI of 19. I was physically active and hadn't suffered through the slowing of my metabolism yet. Given, I have never truly had good nutritional habits, so I wasn't ready for what was to come. (As a result, nutrition has been the most fascinating part of this experience so far for me.)

Somewhere between 2007 and today, I stopped exercising regularly. I became too busy to prepare my own meals. And today, January 21, 2010, I am 5'10". I weight 152 lbs. and my current BMI is 27. And that's not the end of it. I am constantly tired. I gnaw away at my fingernails, which probably means I am stressed. (I honestly don't know what about either?!) And, to top it all off my skin is constantly broken out.

I don’t even want to think about what these years of inactivity and poor eating habits have done to my arteries, especially after seeing Dr. Kimball’s slides yesterday of overweight and obese person’s heart, kidney, lungs, etc. It was scary!

This is my wake-up call. Yesterday, Dr. Cooper showed us what a healthy BMI range was for individuals of various ages. For me to be over 25 is considered overweight.

I am on a slippery slope.

Now, you all know that I am getting married in June. What better time to set my goal for improving my health?

I wish that all of you could be eating the food, attending the lectures and, yes, even sweating your way through Zumba with me. What I am learning is truly eye-opening. Stay tuned! And thanks for the positive encouragement thus far. Keep it coming!

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